Ah, coffee. It’s the juice of the gods, the fuel to our hustle and the reason we wake up in the morning – thanks to good old caffeine. So how much caffeine is in coffee anyway? The caffeine content in a cup of coffee can vary depending on the beans used, the brewing method, and the grind texture. Today, we’re going to discuss the caffeine content in coffee products, why some coffee has more than others, and how you can make sure you get the perfect hit of caffeine every time.

Caffeine Content Differs By Bean Variety

There are four types of coffee beans in the world: Arabica, Robusta, Liberica, and Excelsa. Robusta beans have the highest caffeine content of them all but is often considered a lower quality bean. (Some coffee products may contain added caffeine that put them way higher than the Robusta, but we’re just talking about au natural beans today.) If you’re looking for the highest hit of caffeine possible, consider a Robusta espresso. But if you’re looking for a higher-quality coffee with the perfect amount of caffeine, we recommend Arabica beans all the way.

Bean variety

Caffeine per bean

Caffeine per 100 grams

Caffeine per ounce






2.9 mg



Caffeine Content Differs By Brewing Method

You can get different amounts of caffeine in your morning joe simply by using different brewing methods. That’s because the amount of caffeine extracted changes depending on the time, temperature, and amount of beans you use. For example, an espresso has the highest amount of caffeine per ounce because it essentially makes a concentrate from a large amount of coffee grounds. However, a cup of drip coffee actually contains more caffeine because it’s simply more volume. If you want less caffeine from your beans, use a French press. It will result in lower caffeine content than drip coffee because it brews the coffee faster. If you want more, choose a method like cold brew that extracts for longer.

Brewing Method

Caffeine Content Per 8 oz. Cup

Drip Coffee

95-165 mg

French Press

80-107 mg

Cold Brew

102-159 mg


80-100 mg


175 mg


47-75 mg (per 1 oz. shot)


0-7 mg

Caffeine Content Differs By Grind Texture

First things first: it’s important to note that some brewing methods require certain grind sizes for optimal coffee. But, at Haymaker, we’re rule-breakers. If you’re willing to do some experimenting, another way to manage your coffee’s caffeine content is by changing grind size. The finer the grind, the more caffeine you’ll be able to extract. The downside is that the smaller surface area of finely ground coffee also means it will lose its taste and freshness faster than coarser grounds or whole beans. This is a good time to talk about the benefits of grinding your own beans at home. By grinding your own, you can get that high voltage hit you need, without sacrificing freshness. Learn more about grinding your own beans here.

Grind Size to Use By Texture

Brewing Method

Grind Size

Grind Qualities



Looks like fine salt



Gritty like beach sand



Crumbly like moss

Drip Coffee


Looks like rocky sand

French Press


Looks like flaky sea salt

Cold Brew

Extra Coarse

Looks like ground peppercorns

Caffeine Content Does NOT Differ By Roast

Well, that depends on who you’re asking.


Roast Type

Caffeine Content

Light Roast

Medium Roast

Dark Roast

How Haymaker Compares

When it comes to beans, we’ve got you covered. At Haymaker, we use 100% Arabica beans, which have less caffeine than Robusta beans but provide a stronger, bolder flavor and better drinking experience – because you can’t get your caffeine fix if you can’t drink it. We also provide whole bean versions of many of our blends so you can get the best texture for your preferred brewing method. And how you brew it is up to you! Whether you want drip, French press, cold brew or otherwise, Haymaker will give you the right amount of caffeine to fuel your hustle.

If you want to get technical, we had our dark roast tested by an independent laboratory to determine caffeine content. Our Haymaker dark roast produces a strong and balanced caffeine content that measures in at 20.4 mg/fl oz and also has low acidity to keep your stomach feeling great, even after several cups! To put that into perspective, the coffee from one of the largest fast-food chains in America contains only 9.1 mg/fl. oz. of caffeine. So it’s safe to say, Haymaker will put some hair on your chest.